JApan Network Operators' Group

SAKURA Internet's story about applying DDoS measures to Authoritative DNS Servers.


Recently, DDoS attacks addressed to the DNS servers are frequently observed globally.

Just the other day (10/21 U.S. time), Dyn's DNS service was attacked,
and it affected a lot of well-known sites.

Large scale of incident happened even at our company's hosting services
during 2016/8/29 - 9/2, due to intermittent DDoS attack
against our authoritative DNS servers of customer zones.

Unfortunately our authoritative DNS servers were not configured to be
strong enough against attacks.

In response to this, we have been implementing countermeasures
to make "strong DNS" such as:

installing Anycast node
deploy new clusters
L7 firewall introduction
IP address renumbering
Upgrading existing DDoS mitigation to 100G

In this session, we will share these efforts of ours and would like to discuss
the ideas of effective DDoS countermeasure for authoritative DNS servers
with participants.


Shuichi Ohkubo (SAKURAInternet Inc.)

Katsushi Yamaguchi (SAKURAInternet Inc.)