JApan Network Operators' Group

Japan Data Center Council future session (In JANOG meeting)


Japan Data Center Council (JDCC) publishes facility standards, network reference guides, security guidebooks and so on, as an effort to share various standards and documents related to data centers.

In this session, 3 presenters - future center director, assistant of network WG leader and assistant of security WG leader from Japan Data Center Council-
will share topics about their WG.
Then, they will have a discussion with JANOG members about a possibility of collaboration between JANOG and Japan Data Center Council.

Takamine (SAKURA internet/future center) activities of JDCC future center
- Summary of activities and the purpose of future center

Akiyama (Yahoo Japan Corporation) Physical layer that NW engineer wants to know
- ABCs for Line,Power supply

Mito (SECOM CO.,LTD.) introduction of trends of security standards in security WG date center
- Why do we hide locations of our date centers?
I'll introduce various standards, authentication systems and guidelines related to security at data centers.

- We’d like to discuss how Japan Data Center Council (data center operators) can collaborate with JANOG (network operators).


Wataru Mito (SECOM CO.,LTD.)

Jun Akiyama (Yahoo Japan Corporation)

Makoto Takamine (SAKURA Internet inc.)


Yuya Ogura (AT TOKYO Corporation)