JApan Network Operators' Group

Capacity Building of Security Engineers


In the area of information securitty, there is a shortage of human resources by approximately 130K as of 2016 and 190K by 2020, the year of the Tokyo Olympic. According to the survey conducted by Small and Medium Enterprise Agency of the Japanese government, almost 40% of small and medium enterprises face the issue on the shortage of human resources with expertise in the IT area, which remain unchanged today since 2003. There are two approaches to secure staff with such expertise in the IT: 1) Hire as full time staff 2) Contract with the outside. However, neither approach is an easy solution today, due to challenges in hiring staff which meets the needs of an enterprise, or lack of time and cost for staff training. This BoF seeks to have discussions on securring and training staff in small and medium enterprises.

As an introduction, we will share an experience by HTNet on security trainings, in collaboration with its suporting organisations locally in Kanazawa. By sharing learnings through the experience and the current status of those participated in the initiatve for securing and assigning staff , the session seeks to find some light in the outlook regarding the shortage of security engineers.


Masayuki Sakai (Hokuriku Telecommunication Network Co., Inc.)