JApan Network Operators' Group

Learn 2.23.1401.1 via Censys


At JANOG39, I have introduced the example of Green Bar not showing up on the browser even using rather expensive ESSL Certificates.
This situation of "Mixed Content" can be fixed if you manage contents accordingly.
On the other hand, due to browser bug which came up during March 2017, continued to show server certificate notation wrong about a month.
Certification vendors announced they can re-issue the certificate, but we can find many cases EVSSL certificate not replaced properly.
It is showing that the many administrators were not aware of the notation bug itself.

This time, I would like to use a search engine called Censys to explain EVSSL Certificate notation structure, and
similar issues which is happening and which might happen in the future by the other causes.


Yuji Suga (IIJ/Cryptographic protocol Evaluation toward Long-Lived Outstanding Security Consortium)