JApan Network Operators' Group

Proposal of revision for JC1005


It has been more than a decade since JC1005 has been issued for "Standard setting for IX connection" in 2005, 
as one of JANOG Comments which summarizes recommendation for network equipment configurations.


Since back then, IX connectivity and IX service providers itself has became diverse. (e.g. long haul connection using leased lines without deploying router at the IX pop.)

We have made a new document, as there were missing things and out of date information while revisiting JC1005.

We would like JANOGer to provide feedbacks on this document, to make JC1005 as a reference for Network service providers when connecting IX, and when there's change of person in charge.

Proposed document: 




Hiroyuki Ashida (BBIX,Inc)
Yuuya Kawakami (NTT Communications Corporation/(Internet Multifeed Co.)
Toshitaka Hirao (KDDI Corporation)
Masataka Mawatari (Japan Internet Exchange Co., Ltd)