“Data Gravity Index” – Gravity Created by Exponential Data Growth




Day2 2021/1/28(Thu) 11:15~12:00(45min)


As a compass for the cloud era, we will introduce “Data Gravity”, a theory that explains where networks and data go, in an easy-to-understand manner. This has the effect of attracting more datasets or application services as larger datasets or active applications and services gather in one place, much like gravity attracts planets and stars.

  • Is it beneficial for Japanese network operators from a technical / operational perspective?

→ By understanding the concept of “data gravity”, you will be able to understand the background of why cloud computing is collecting data at an accelerating rate and why the network there become important.

  • Is the point of discussion clear?

→ The “data gravity” theory can be said to be a model that suggests in what direction network traffic will increase in the future. We would like to hear your opinions on whether or not it matches the direction of network traffic increase which you feel in the daily operation.

  • Can we expect to make new discoveries through presentations / discussions?

→ Through the idea that invisible data creates actions like the laws of physics, why network access is now concentrated at the connection point with the cloud, and the network technology and operation there are extremely important. By utilizing this theory, you may be able to predict where data and networks will be concentrated in the future AI/IoT society.


Bampo Tezuka (MC Digital Realty, Inc.)
Yohei Ito (MC Digital Realty, Inc.)

