


Day1 2021年7月14日(水) 14:45~15:30(45分)


More than 15 years have passed since we heard the term IaC (Infrastructure as Code) following the emergence of Puppet and git in 2005, Chef in 2009, and Ansible in 2012, and it has been frequently discussed at JANOG meetings in recent years.

However, in many cases, only a few members of a company can handle it, and the application of IaC is limited to only a part of an operation or operational infrastructure, which makes us believe that it is difficult to say that IaC is not a common skill or culture.

One of my goals is to make the IaC culture widely adopted in my department, and I was allowed to challenge team building for about two years from mid-2018 to now.

In a past JANOG meeting, I introduced my experience as a network engineer on how to have a relationship with cloud infrastructure, and in this talk, I would like to talk about how I expanded IaC after joining an automation-focused team. Furthermore, I also hope to discuss what kind of organizations and approaches are required to make the IaC culture widely adopted with you.


Tatsuya Maruno(Equinix, Inc.)


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