Top > JANOG34_Meeting > Meeting_Report > SUMMARY JANOG 34 Summary Report and "Let's talk about IP anycast"OutlineThe JANOG 34 meeting was held at Sunport Hall Takamatsu in Takamatsu, Kagawa from June 17th through 18th, hosted by STNet. The purpose of JANOG, which stands for JApan Network Operators' Group, is the discussion and review of technical and operational topics surrounding the Internet. JANOG's activities are a mailing list and semiannual meetings for on-site discussion and sharing of information. At JANOG 34, there were 547 attendees, which is the largest besides the previous meetings in Tokyo, so the presentations and discussions were very excited and hot like the midsummer heat. :-) In addition to the standard JANOG program, a routing tutorial and BoF meetings covering 7 topics also were held as co-located meetings the day before JANOG 34 meeting. Introduction of JANOG 34 programsJANOG 34 had a theme "Mix and Shuffle", and consisted of programs from a wide variety of fields based on this theme. The topics at JANOG 34 included network events visualisation and full route table operation in content service providers, as well as network operation sessions, NTP/DNS reflection attack in the security session, and considerations about the white box switch as the current trend session. You can see the abstracts about the programs in JANOG 34. "Let's talk about IP anycast"In this program report, we briefly introduce "Let's talk about IP anycast" presented by Yoshinobu Matsuzaki from IIJ. It was a typical program in JANOG meeting. IP anycast is a well known technology on the server side. The benefit of it is that the closest server always responds to client requests. It is commonly used for DNS and other applications though, the network design, operation and troubleshooting of it is troublesome in some cases. In this presentation, we were sharing pros/cons about IP anycast and discussing operational considerations. Since IP anycast is a useful technology depending on how you use it, it's use will increase. For further operational improvements of IP anycast, we had a discussion on recovery in the event of a service outage. As a recovery method, we can delete routes to the effected server. Deleting the routes can be achieved by shutting down the interface on your routers or shutting down the BGP neighbour if you using BGP routing. In case that multiple services are run by a server on a prefix, what options are available for deleting routes to the server? This is one of the main issues for operators. Two options were suggested in JANOG 34 discussion. One is deleting the route to the server to take bypass healthy services as well as faulty services. This option requires the distribution of anycast instances when any troubles happens. Another is continuing operation without deleting route to the server. This option requires the way to recover the service at the application level. IP anycast was discussed through a perspective of the service availability in JANOG 34 meeting. (Naohide Kamitani, FURUKAWA NETWORK SOLUTION CORP.) Discussions on IP anycast