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JANOG28 General Information
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Want to register?The registration page is in Japanese only. So if you are interested in coming, please contact secretariat[at-mark] Hotel InformationThe following hotel is within walking distance from the venue and also has an english web page. Beware, the hotel has nothing to do with JANOG, so if you want to ask for directions, ask how to get to "Nihonbashi Mitsui Hall". (Japanese) Access Map is (Japanese) The following hotel is most near from Nihonbashi Mitsui Hall. The following hotel is much cheaper, but is located the other train station. Day 1 - Thursday, July 14, 2011
Day 2 - Friday, July 15, 2011
Program: Day 1 - Thursday, July 14, 2011Worries about internet routesPresenter
AbstractISPs have to cope not only with the enormous traffic grow, but also with the increase in the number of full routes, which might cause unstable network behavior. If the current pace of increase continues, several problems such as RIB/FIB space shortage and longer routing convergence time may arise. As of April 2011, a full internet routing table is about 344,000 prefixes for IPv4 and 5,000 for IPv6, but there are many causes of further increase in ISP's backbone network routes, such as:
In addition, several routes which should not be advertised to the Internet such as private AS and AS-TRANS (AS23456) are often observed. In this session, we would like to present the following topics:
Presumably non-ISP communication carriers (global AS user) have the same problem, so we would like to have an open discussion about better operations for the coming age of possibly massive routes. Informal voices from a Layer 1 networking engineerPresenter
AbstractThis program is a introduction to the latest in Layer 1 networking.
I am offering a broad introduction to Layer 1 (technical talk, safety measures and other subjects). What IT can do. - What should IT do in a emergency. How should IT respond.-Presenter
AbstractMarch 11, 2011, A earthquake struck and inflicted enormous damage on Tohoku district. There were a great number of victims and it is still vivid in our memory. In fact, many problems with the importance of IT infrastructure and restoration in an emergency were brought out during this disaster. In this session, we will have three people on stage, discussing how should IT infrastructure should respond when facing a domestic emergency in the future, overall status of on-site reconstruction work and a means for transmitting information. Was the Internet in Japan robust against the earthquake?Presenter
AbstractIt is evaluated that the Internet in Japan was robust against the disaster of major earthquake in Mar 11. On the other hand, it was also said that the communication infrastructure including the Internet access in the disaster area was almost all impaired and the infrastructure in the circumference area including Tokyo metropolitan area was influenced and just barely survived in some phases. In this session, we would like to discuss what we should do to make the Japanese Internet robuster against future disaster, while looking back what happened in the disaster of Mar. 11 in each phase. JANOG update and open micPresenterAbstractIn previous meetings, the JANOG update had been a unidirectional report made by the JANOG Committee. This time we will try also having time for discussion with JANOG members about the operation of JANOG, much like the open mic in the IAB and IAOC sessions in IETF meetings. The JANOG committee will present its usual report first, then the the JANOG Committee members will appear on the stage and take comments, suggestions, and questions from the JANOG members. Topics might be the organization of management of meetings, collaboration/co-work with other communities, what activities could be valuable for JANOG, the required functions in JANOG, and so on. We would like to have frank discussions with you all. Program: Day 2 - Friday, July 15, 2011IX and 100 Gigabit EthernetPresenter
AbstractThe traffic on the Internet in Japan has been increasing. Many ISPs are connected to the internet exchanges using multiple 10 Gigabit Ethernet links. At the same time 100 Gigabit Ethernet is now ready to use as a much-anticipated faster interface beyond 10 Gigabit Ethernet. This session reviews 100GE technology and takes a look at the current situation of 100GE products. And network operators and engineers from vendors will discuss their concerns on deploying and operating 100GE in IX environment especially about the interoperability along with tangible data. We will also discuss what should be kept in mind of ISP operators when they deploy 100GE in future. Summing Up World IPv6 DayPresenter
AbstractWorld IPv6 Day was planned as a macro-scale trial of IPv6, mainly led by content providers. As a result, many service providers throughout the world examined the possible impacts of introducing IPv6, clarified the challenges, and figured out how to deal with it. In this session, I'd like to reflect on World IPv6 Day, share the actions and challenges that various organizations had, and encourage everyone to discuss what future services should be. |