
The New Era for DC Networks? - Advantages and Disadvantages of White box Networking -


Network devices composed of commodity hardware with no network OSes, commonly known as "white box switches" are getting popular, and being adopted by companies such as hyper giants.

We see such devices getting more attention recently due to the possibility of large scale automation of server/network deployment and management, among other advantages.

Using GNU/Linux based network OSes such as Cumulus Networks on white box switches, along with server deployment tools such as Chef or Puppet, integrated structure management of both server and network devices can be accomplished.

Furthermore, since one can freely select applications for installation to these devices, they can be customized, i.e., various applications can be used and be made available, based on requests from each customers to the DC networks.

This program will summarize the advantages and disadvantages of adopting white box switches from an operational perspective. We would like to discuss whether their use can improve operations in DC networks, which are increasingly moving towards growth in its scales and complexities.


Wataru Ishida (NTT Software Innovation Center)
Hiroyasu OHYAMA (GREE, Inc.)

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