
Why are We Reluctant to Deploy IPv6?


World IPv6 Launch event was held on 6 June 2012, and more than 2 years have passed since then. There been some remarkable IPv6 deployments on the access side, as can be seen on the World IPv6 Launch measurements website. But on the content side very little IPv6 has been deployed, outside of the Hyper Giants (e.g. Google, Youtube and Facebook).

People keep saying that the adoption of IPv6 is a chicken-and-egg problem between access and content. Most engineers say much the same thing, don't know what to do, and then just shut off their brain.

It isn't clear why we don't deploy IPv6 on services that don't currently support IPv6. We haven't discussed why we are reluctant to deploy IPv6. I think this is one of the reasons that IPv6 deployments don't run as smoothly as expected.

In this session, we will discuss why we are reluctant to deploy IPv6 (including in global situations), and think about the missing pieces for the furthering of IPv6 deployment.

(Translated by: Masataka Mawatari)


Masataka Mawatari (Japan Internet Exchange Co., Ltd.)
Ken Sasaki (DMM.com Labo Co.,Ltd.)
Takeshi Seki (DWANGO Co., Ltd.)
Masatoshi Yokota (SAKURA Internet Inc.)

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