

The need for communication in English is a common headache or even a nightmare for engineers who speak primarily Japanese. Imagine you are a person negotiating peerings, selecting data center locations globally and hiring engineers; communicating in English is especially challenging.

We, as Japanese engineers working in the global workplace, know that Japanese engineers are as capable as any engineers in the world, although the English communication could be better and English proficiency needs improvement.

That’s what we would like to address in this session. The session will give tips to avoid common pitfalls in English communications by using examples in various situations, which we hope will be helpful for engineers who speak primarily Japanese to thrive and enjoy working in the global workplace.


3F Conference Room


Day1 Wednesday, Jan 25th, 2023/18:00~19:00(1Hour)


土屋 太二

Taiji Tsuchiya (Fastly K.K.)

樋口 美奈子
Cisco Systems Inc.

Minako Higuchi (Cisco Systems Inc.)