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JANOG26 General Information
Registration capacity
Want to register?The registration page is in Japanese only. So if you are interested in coming, please contact secretariat[at-mark] Hotel InformationThe following hotel is within walking distance from the venue and also has an english web page. Beware, the hotel has nothing to do with JANOG, so if you want to ask for directions, ask how to get to "The Garden Hall". The following hotel is in the Yebisu Garden Place. The following hotel is much cheaper, but is located the other side of the train station. Day 1 - Thursday, July 8, 2010
Day 2 - Friday, July 9, 2010
Programs: Day 1 - 2010.07.08(Thu)We tried DNSSECPresenters
AbstractWe had some technical verification testswith some ISP players and hardware vendors to activate DNSSEC smoothly. In the tests, we built a DNS Tree from a root to clients and confirmed if the test DNS system worked well with DNSSEC technology. We'll share with our experience and we would like to share the following points in the session.
PresentationsThinking IPv4 in an era of IPv6Presenters
AbstractRecently the topic of IPv6 deployment by ISPs and access providers has been very common. Having said that, demands for IPv4 Internet will continue. Given this situation, we're thinking about how IPv4 services using an IPv6 native access network would work. First, we will introduce some technologies which provide IPv4 service offerings on top of an IPv6 infrastructure. Then, we'd like to open up a discussion with the audience. Presentations
Making Fallback WorkPresenter
AbstractNodes have only a vague image of the internet while they communicate with other nodes, but they work very hard to deliver packets reliably. For example, they may measure the path MTU and try to adjust the maximum packet size, or if IPv6 does not work try falling back to IPv4. In the operational world, we try to avoid fallbacks because they cause latency. One of the techniques we use is overwriting the TCP MSS. However fallback is the last resort in achieving successful communication. In order to make fallback work, the nodes, and also the network, need to make significant effort. We will discuss the problems that have occurred, and also discuss about what kind of network and node behavior is expected. PresentationsBlockingPresenter
AbstractSome of you might have seen the term "blocking" on the internet. Blocking is a technical measure intended to restrict access to certain content based on prepared lists by means of "DNS poisoning" or "proxy" etc. Blocking access to child pornography on the internet is currently under discussion in government ministries and providers. Let us discuss "blocking" as network operators. PresentationsLinkPrograms: Day 2 - 2010.07.09(Fri)IXP Session - directly bridging your packets toward the destinationPresenters
AbstractIf you are a engineer in the network design and operations group at an xSP, you probably know what IXPs do. But, you may not know all of the details. At recent JANOG meeting, there was no presentation discussing technical details of IXPs. If your AS does not currently connect at an IX, we would like to talk and discuss with you IX technical issues, including other than layer two technology, which we think might be useful to you. This presentation agenda is as shown below.
LinkThe Inside of My ToolboxPanelists
AbstractAs we all remember, we had an aggressive discussion about "tools" on JANOG mailing list recently. This session is to extend this discussion further and share it with the audience. A Panel which is composed of experts from broad areas (server, network, kitting and web development), will introduce various useful tools. Not only hardware tools but also software tools will be covered. Choosing the right tool will make our life much easier! Presentations
LinkThe Delusion about Internet InfrastructurePresenters
AbstractAbout a present fixed charge system and the limit, and the delusion about the possibility of shifting to the following amount account. A big criticism is received in every case though the following amount account material was occasionally spoken from the first half of the 2000's. It is scheduled to speak including the change in the infrastructure environment in recent years. The fixed fee is hoped for as an individual user. However, the difficulty exists when the story of the person related to the infrastructure is heard. At present, the schedule is undecided. There is a possibility of becoming of the announcement the neighborhood and changing the content. Please note it. PresentationLinkUndersea cables - Stories about constructions and operations of itPresenters
PresentationThings You Should Know Before Saying "We Don't Need 'dot-Nippon'"Presenters
AbstractMany people may think we do not need Internationalized Domain Names, especially .日本 ('dot-Nippon'). However, shouldn't we understand the historical/global background and requirements from different view-points before we say "No" immediately? Then let's reconsider how 'dot-Nippon' should be for Japanese Internet community. It's not too late to say "No," but after the discussion. PresentationMore challenges on IPv6 Home Router ~What is the best addressing scheme for home network~Presenters
AbstractIPv6 home routers, AKA CPE or HGW, are being talked about more often than ever. The IPv6 Promotion Council has been discussing this topic. In this session we will share the current status of the discussion at the IPv6 Promotion Council with JANOG members and hear your opinions about some challenges we are working on. Presentation
IP addresses: Way forwardPresenters
AbstractThe remaining free IPv4 address pool is now less than 7%. An IPv4 address block, was allocated to APNIC by IANA in Jan, 2010. As you may recall, this allocation received some attention by the technical community and discussed in the JANOG mailing list due to possible reachability issues. Some of addresses within this /8 have been used as “RFC1918” addresses for internal networks and it contains more bogon addresses by comparing to other address blocks. With reflecting such circumstances, we conducted reachability tests for 1/8 and 27/8 address blocks with APNIC’ cooperation. This presentation will re-focus on issues of 1/8. This presentation will also share the above tests’ outcomes and current condition of bogon filtering. We would like to have discussions over such issues and also future counter measures. PresentationsLink |