JANOG27 General Information
- Who is hosting?
- JANOG27 is hosted by e-side, inc.
- Support
- Ishikawa Prefecture
- Kanazawa City
- The Hokkoku Shimbun
- Hokuriku Bureau of Telecommunications
- Hokuriku Information and Communications Conference
- Ishikawa Sunrise Industries Creation Organization
- Cooperation
- Special Cooperation
- Kanazawa University
- Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- NSK Internet
- Kanazawa Cable Television Net.
- When?
- Where?
- How much?
- Participation fees:
- Meeting: free!
- Party: 6,000 Yen
- How to get there?
- Hotel info
- Please arrange your own lodging.
Registration capacity
- Plenary session: 500 People
- Social event: 300 People
- Plenary session: Free
- Social event: 6,000 Yen
Want to register?
The registration page is in Japanese only. So if you are interested in coming, please contact secretariat[at-mark]janog.gr.jp
Hotel Information
Day 1 - Thursday, January 20, 2011
Time(JST) | Program | Speaker |
10:45 | Opening | |
| JANOG Update | |
11:15 | Standards and Operations | Yoshinobu Matsuzaki (IIJ) |
12:15 | Lunch Break | |
13:30 | BGP discussion | Seiichi Kawamura (NEC Biglobe) |
Randy Bush (IIJ) |
Shishio Tsuchiya (Cisco Japan) |
14:30 | Do you know "Joho - Information Studies" is a subject in high schools? | Ichiro Mizukoshi (NTT East) |
Toshiharu Kano (Kanazawa Nisui High School) |
Koichi Ise (Livedoor) |
Takao Yamabuki (Softbank BB) |
Yuko Nakamura (Shibaura Institute of Technology) |
15:20 | Break | |
15:45 | [Lightning Talk] What JP DNS returns - Changes in DNS traffic after DNSSEC was enabled - preso | Masato Minda (JPRS) |
[Lightning Talk] Case Study - How to shoot troubles invisible through logs or interface counters | Yasuyuki Hamada (NTT Communications) |
[Lightning Talk] Wanna see others' installation and operation sheets - preso | Hirotaka Tajima (Fivefront) |
16:00 | Approaching standardized solutions in the IPv6 multi-prefix environment | Yuji Yamazaki (Softbank BB) |
Haruhiko Nishida (NTT Information Sharing Platform Laboratories) |
17:30 | Closing | |
18:30 | Party | |
Day 2 - Friday, January 21, 2011
Time(JST) | Program | Speaker |
9:30 | | |
9:35 | Internet traffic is growing more and more! Past, present & future of ISP backbone design. | Takeshi Tomochika (NTT Communications) |
Chika Yoshimura (NTT Communications) |
10:35 | How's the internet traffic going in Japan? | Kenichi Nagami (INTEC Systems Institute Inc.) |
Tatsuya Yamashita (NTT Communications Corporation) |
Kensuke Fukuda (National Institute of Informatics) |
Takeshi Sensui (SOFTBANK BB Corp.) |
Masataka Mawatari (Japan Internet Exchange Co., Ltd.) |
Mitsugu Aoki (Hokuriku Telecommunication Network Co.,Inc.) |
11:35 | Lunch Break | |
12:50 | The Internet from the viewpoint of students | Hidekazu Arai (ICT Education Promotion Council of Japan), et. al |
13:50 | [Lightning Talk] Developing something like "iPAD-application" for shell-based network device status monitoring - preso | Yoshiaki Tominaga (NTT East) |
[Lightning Talk] ISOC-JP - preso | Toshio Tachibana (ISOC-JP) |
[Lightning Talk] FIB table saving technique (with Simple Virtual Aggregation) - preso | Nana Ogawa (Cisco Systems) |
[Lightning Talk] Considerations for communication errors under specific conditions - preso | Junichi Toyama |
[Lightning Talk] Experiences in large scale DDoS in 2010 - preso | Yusuke Miyata (NTT Communications) |
[Lightning Talk] Responsibilities of network operators' community | Seiichi Morikawa (Cisco Systems) |
14:20 | Break | |
14:35 | The internet in 2011 | Yoshinobu Matsuzaki (IIJ) |
Tomoya Yoshida (NTT Communications) |
16:05 | Closing Statement Introduction to next JANOG meeting | |
17:00 | Closing | |
Programs: Day 1 - 2011.01.20(Thu)
Standards and Operations
- Yoshinobu Matsuzaki (IIJ)
We are operating networks with increasing amounts of technology. While most technologies have their own "standard", some of them aren't easy to use, and sometimes they are not as utilized as they could be. 4octet-AS notion is an interesting example. "As-dot" notation was almost the de facto in the beginning, but "as-plain" was adopted as standard in the end, after taking advice from network operators, such as people from JANOG. In this session, I would like to discuss with the audience, some parts that are missing from the standard, something that need to be standardized further, and standards that are not in operation yet.
Presentation Materials
Yoshinobu Matsuzaki (PDF)
BGP discussion
- Seiichi Kawamura (NEC Biglobe)
- Randy Bush (IIJ)
- Shishio Tsuchiya (Cisco Japan)
Though BGP has long been used, network operators are interested in recent trends where new features are still added for improving operations, where the original spec which was familiar to us has been changing, and so on.
In this program, we will discuss recent implementations of BGP, requirements from operators, standardization topics, and how BGP should or might evolve to be better for operators.
Speakers' Bio
- Seiichi Kawamura, NEC Biglobe
Seiichi Kawamura is a network engineer at NEC BIGLOBE Ltd, an ISP based in Japan. Since 2007 he has served as a Steering Committee member of the Japan Network Operators' Group (JANOG) and is also an active participant in open policy meetings in the JPNIC community.
- Randy Bush, IIJ Innovation Institute, Inc.
Randy Bush is a Research Fellow and amateur network operator at Internet Initiative Japan. He specializes in routing research, IPv6 deployment, network security, protocols, and network measurement especially routing.
Randy has been in computing for 45 years, and has a few decades of Internet operations experience. He was the engineering founder of Verio, now NTT/Verio. He has been heavily involved in transferring Internet technologies to developing economies for over 20 years. He was a chair of the IETF WG on the DNS for a decade and served as a member of the IESG as co-chair of the IETF Operations and Management Area for six years. Randy was the first Chair of the NANOG Steering Committee, a co-founder of AfNOG, on the founding Board of Directors of ARIN.
- Shishio Tsuchiya, Cisco Systems Japan
Shishio Tsuchiya is a consulting engineer at Cisco Systems Japan. He joined Cisco Systems Japan in 2000 and is now supporting Cisco's carrier business. Prior to that, he worked on various projects in the NSC (Network Solution Center) and in the partner support division.
Presentation Materials
Do you know "Joho - Information Studies" is a subject in high schools?
- Ichiro Mizukoshi (NTT East)
- Toshiharu Kano (Kanazawa Nisui High School)
- Koichi Ise (Livedoor)
- Takao Yamabuki (Softbank BB)
- Yuko Nakamura (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Graduate
School of Engineering, Shibaura Institute of Technology)
Did you know that a new subject called "Joho - Information Studies" was introduced into Japanese high schools in 2001?
The topics covered are computers, the Internet and
other IT areas, systematically and extensively.
The new generations who take the class learn more and
more systematically than the existing active worker (late 20s to 40s.)
On the other hand, we often hear that are very few young active engineers
and that the active engineer population is aging.
Why can't we see such young educated network engineers around us?
We would like to have introduction about the existing classs and its
background with the parties in charge, and to have a discussion about how
schools should teach it and what we engineers can do to support it.
There might even be an examination at the end.
Why not think about school education together?
Presentation Materials
Presentation (PDF)
Approaching standardized solutions in the IPv6 multi-prefix environment
- Yuji Yamasaki (Softbank BB)
- Haruhiko Nishida (NTT Information Sharing Platform Laboratories)
Softbank began implementing IPv6 Internet connectivity using 6rd in 2010. By examining IPv6 trends we think that IPv6 usages in home networks will become widespread. In anticipating the popularity of IPv6, a team of us, including presenters, are working to develop standardized solutions in the IPv6 multi-prefix environment. This presentation will cover topics such as standardization challenges and opportunities, technologies relevant to IPv6, introduction of implementation (demonstration) and other topics.
Presentation Materials
Programs: Day 2 - 2011.01.21(Thu)
Internet traffic is growing more and more!
Past, present & future of ISP backbone design.
- Takeshi Tomochika (NTT Communications)
- Chika Yoshimura (NTT Communications)
The growth of internet traffic is showing no signs of slowing down.
And now, Where does internet traffic comes from? Who is generating the
traffic? Was the growth always this fast?
Having doubts about these with "tubura na hitomi"(※).
The greatest mission for ISPs is carrying growing traffic, stability and with no
For this reason, each ISP has been doing major reviews of network
topology, and working on their designs.
In this session, we shall think about how ISPs have been designing
backbones to face traffic growth and how ISPs should be in the future
with the present traffic situation and definite cases from the
past and present.
Moreover, We discuss the challenges of 100G Ethernet
installation which is the hot topic of Internet industry.
(※) In Japanese, ”tubura na hitomi” is an facial expression that shows innocence when children are asking question.
Presentation Materials
Presentation (PDF)
How's the internet traffic going in Japan?
- Kenichi Nagami (INTEC Systems Institute Inc.)
- Tatsuya Yamashita (NTT Communications Corporation)
- Kensuke Fukuda (National Institute of Informatics)
- Takeshi Sensui (SOFTBANK BB Corp.)
- Masataka Mawatari (Japan Internet Exchange Co., Ltd.)
- Mitsugu Aoki (Hokuriku Telecommunication Network Co.,Inc.)
Japan's Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) gathers statistical data on Internet traffic and publishes a biannual report.
This activity is very useful. But Service Providers are unable to understand all the published statistics. In this panel discussion, we'll review the importance of such published data, and discuss how Network Operators can make it easier to interpret.
Presentation Materials
The Internet from the viewpoint of students
- Hidekazu Arai (ICT Education Promotion Council of Japan)
- Kenji Osabe (Cisco Systems G.K./Cisco Networking Academy)
- Yuta Ibori (Senior Student, Kanazawa Institute of Technology)
- Yuichiro Mukai (Senior Student, Kanazawa Institute of Technology)
In modern society, information and communication technology (ICT), as
represented by the Internet, is widely deployed and becoming an important
infrastructure in our lives.
In an environment where ICT is a "given", we will have a discussion with
students and companies who are providing educational content about topics including:
- students' honest thoughts on the Internet,
- expectations and anxiety in IT companies in which students will work,
- IT companies' expectation of students
Presentation Materials
The Internet in 2011
- Yoshinobu Matsuzaki (IIJ)
- Tomoya Yoshida (NTT Communications)
In 2011, IANA's IPv4 address pool will exhaust and we should see a major
advancement in the deployment of the IPv6 internet. Also, IPv6 services over
the NGN will start in Japan and DNSSEC signing of the JP domains will begin. These events will bring a major change not only to Japan, but also to the rest of the internet world.
We will discuss issues that operators need to consider and also talk about what the operator community needs to do in 2011.
Presentation Materials
Presentation (PDF)