SRv6 Mobile User Plane (SRv6 MUP) is an architecture aimed at achieving an open and flat mobile user plane. At SoftBank, we are at the forefront of leading the standardization※1 and early deployment of this technology. During the JANOG49 conference, we presented※2 our efforts towards introducing SRv6 MUP into our commercial network. In this presentation, we would like to share how we have actually succeeded in doing so through a field trial※3, and highlight some of the challenges we faced. Finally, we want to discuss the future of the mobile user plane, with focus on its use cases and its feasibility in a real-life network.
※1 IETF draft : https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-mhkk-dmm-srv6mup-architecture/
※2 JANOG49 Presentation-slide : https://www.janog.gr.jp/meeting/janog49/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/janog49-mupsrv6-watanabe_seno.pdf
※3 SB Press : https://www.softbank.jp/corp/news/press/sbkk/2023/20230224_01/
2F Convention Hall
Day2 Thursday, July 6th, 2023/11:00~12:00(1Hour)
Hiroyuki Fukumori(SoftBank Corp.)
Leo Fujita(SoftBank Corp.)
Ryuma Seno(SoftBank Corp.)